Sunday, March 16, 2014

DBZ, Little Witch Academia & Kill La Kill Sequence studies

I was experimenting in a new sketchbook with watercolor, posterpaint, watercolor pencils and Gouache. Trying to find a media that can quickly give my sketches some life. I experimented further by doing some studies of movement on my other blog. --> LINK

This is a sequence of Trunks in a DBZ episode.

I recently saw an AMAZING documentary of a short film called Little Witch Academia by Trigger. I highly recommend you watch it if you are into animation. --> LINK

I also wanted to at least show my appreciation to the animators by watching the actual short as well :D I have to say that initially it looked like something I wouldn't watch, but I really ended up enjoying it..especially the animation and draughtsmanship is outstanding. Below are some sketches of a couple of poses while trying out some different media to give it a lick of quick color.

I then switched to watching a few episodes of Kill La Kill by the same studio. I was totally amazed by the VERY STRONG POSING and EXCELLENT SHOT LAYOUTS. It's quite incredible and I highly recommend it just for that. The story itself could be a bit offensive, since you get arse and tits shoved into your face every other second.

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